NASA Marine Clipper Wireless Wind System

– Wireless wind speed & direction data
– Easy installation
– No wires to run down
– Simple masthead alignment
– Light mast unit weight


Clipper wireless wind dilengkapi dengan pemancar wireless masthead, unit dasar, dan unit layar Clipper Wind. Pemancar masthead nirkabel didukung oleh baterai internal yang diisi dari cahaya ambient menggunakan panel surya kecil. Beberapa hari yang membosankan tidak akan mempengaruhi kinerja. Ketika terisi penuh, ia mampu beroperasi penuh 2000 jam (dua ribu jam) dalam kegelapan. Pemancar masthead mengirim data secara nirkabel ke unit dasar, yang didukung oleh pasokan 12 Volt dari kapal, unit dasar menerima data kecepatan dan arah angin dari pemancar masthead dan mengirimkannya ke layar Clipper Wind atau unit tampilan NMEA lain yang kompatibel.

Layar Clipper Wind ada di dalam kotak standar industri berukuran 110 mm. Tampilan luar biasa besar dan jernih dengan 60 segmen untuk indikasi arah 360 derajat penuh.

– Kecepatan angin nirkabel dan data arah ke layar NMEA yang kompatibel
– Pemasangan mudah dengan tiang di tempat – tidak perlu pengaturan kabel lagi.
– Penyesuaian masthead yang mudah melalui unit dasar
– Berat unit tiang ringan – 190 gram

The Clipper wireless wind is supplied with a wireless masthead transmitter, a base unit and a Clipper Wind display unit. The wireless masthead transmitter is powered by an internal battery which is charged from ambient light using a small solar panel. A few dull days will not affect performance. When fully charged, it is capable of two thousand hours of full operation in total darkness. The masthead transmitter sends data wirelessly to the base unit, which is powered by the vessel’s 12 Volt supply, the base unit receives wind speed and direction data from the masthead transmitter and sends it to the Clipper Wind display or any other compatible NMEA display unit.

The Clipper Wind display is in the industry standard 110mm square case. Exceptionally large and clear display with 60 segments for full 360 degree direction indication.

– Wireless wind speed and direction data to any compatible NMEA display
– Easy installation with mast in place – no wires to run down
– Simple masthead alignment through base unit
– Light mast unit weight – 190 grams



  • Sleep time > 15,000 Hours
  • Operating time > 2,000 Hours
  • Charging time < 150 Hours of bright daylight
  • Fully charged with no further daylight


  • Wireless masthead transmitter
  • NMEA 0183 4800 Baud
  • NMEA data sentence MWV


  • Supply voltage Nominal 12v DC
  • Supply current 17mA
  • Wind speed and direction NMEA data sentence MWV to any compatible NMEA device


  • Supply voltage Nominal 12v DC
  • NMEA 0183 input sentence MWV
  • 9 levels of display back lighting
  • Display case size 110 x 110mm

Consumption, 10mA+ (10mA for display illumination max)